1. Removes first 3 lines

  2. Removes leading spaces in every header

  3. Replaces the following headers:

    交易日期date 支出outflow 收入inflow 对方户名payee 交易地点notes

  4. Combines the outflow and inflow columns into 1 column, called amount

  5. Removes "支付宝-" or "财付通-" from both payee and notes columns and adds them to a new tags column

  6. If payee is missing text, fill in with text from notes

  7. If both payee and notes are missing text and 摘要 column is 利息存入, then fill payee as "中国建设银行股份有限公司上海分行运行中心" and notes as "利息存入"

  8. If text in payee and notes are the same, remove text in notes

  9. If notes is empty, then replace notes with "ATM存款" (only after notes is copied to payee)

  10. If 摘要 is not "消费" and 摘要 does not equal notes, then append 摘要 text to front of existing notes (after removing tags)

  11. Removes any empty rows that do not include a date

  12. Returns the following columns: date, payee, notes, amount, tags