

In order to build some functionality into my website (Stripe payments, account management, etc.), I need to have some server-side code to run through this logic. I’d like to use Python, since I’m most familiar with that language.

There’s a ‘micro-framework’ called Flask that helps connects Python files with HTML / CSS / Javascript files. It’s an entirely new framework, so it’ll require some learning. Here I go with my learning.

Some tutorials that helped me:


This blog helped a lot. Spent a lot of time trying to get my form from my html page to submit to my Python file.


This guy’s blog is even more helpful. But using Flask looks a lot more complicated than I imagined! This looks like it’ll take more time to learn…


Here’s also another good tutorial. This one’s quite good, because it also walks through setting up this web app through GAE.

Some issues I encountered: